A bit about me…..

When I design a house, I’m not just thinking about designing a house, I’m thinking about creating a home. I consider how it will be to live there myself,  the feeling it gives, its character and individuality. I like to give the house a continuous flow in colours and textures.  I pay that tad extra for my materials so it stands out from the crowd.   Yes it may be extra work applying huge tiles in the bathrooms and yes it is more work to get heavy stone worktops up to a second floor, but I have the time, I have the expertise and most of all I have the vision.

I like to think outside of the box, I’m very much influenced by English and American styles, so combine that with the Scandinavian look and Hey Presto! You have the perfect house!

Growing up, I lived in 13 different houses in the 18 years at home, this wasn’t on the grounds that we needed to move, it was because my mum loved to create new homes, this is something that sits in my blood and goes back generations in my family. I began myself in the building industry 25 years ago, renovating old houses in England and selling them, I truly love transforming old houses into beautiful loving homes again.  When I moved to Norway I continued to renovate houses in England,  With my team still based in England and me flying backward and forwards it worked…. in the beginning.   But this turned out to be progressively difficult after I had children. I felt I needed to base myself 100% in Norway, plus I was ready for a new challenge!    As I wasn’t so familiar with renovating Norwegian wooden houses,  as they are totally different to the English brick ones, I chose to start from scratch and build from new instead.  That is what led me onto my path today.   My motto is quality not quantity and with the help of my fantastic team, I turn dreams into reality!